OB Scientific Innovations in Maternal-Fetal CareProducts
Products Products

GentleVacTM Vacuum Assist Cup

GentleVacTM Delivery System

OBS-500 Fetal Oximeter

Gentle Vac Vacuum Assist Cup

Gentle Vac

The sterile, single-use GentleVac™ Vacuum Assist Cup from OB Scientific is used to facilitate delivery in term or near term infants. The disposable device enables traction to be applied to the fetal head, in the birth canal, by means of a suction cup attached to the scalp.

Vacuum applied to the cup by an external source, either an electric vacuum pump (OB Scientific GDS-3000) or hand held vacuum pump.

Product Features:

  • Sterile, disposable synthetic rubber product - latex free
    (both opaque and translucent cups)

  • Pliable for easy insertion

  • Special internal channeling provides uniform vacuum around circumference of cup (minimizes risk of cephalohematoma)

  • Concentric gripping rings assure firm grip in gloved hands

  • Fixed visual and tactile positional reference molded into cup handle

  • Connector included for use with hand-operated vacuum pump

  • Cup measures 60mm across diameter and has an overall length of 180mm (cup plus gripping handle)

  • Includes six feet of tubing
For additional information or to place an order, please contact Customer Services at 1-888-530-4561
Catalog #17420, (Opaque) 10 per case
Catalog # 17420T, (Transparent) 10 per case

Indications for Use:

  • Delay in second stage of labor with adequate assessment of position and station of the fetal head.

  • Delay in second stage of labor associated with borderline cephalopelvic disproportion (consistent with the statement regarding "traction of the head" found in the WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS section of the product insert).

  • Fetal distress

  • Shortening of second stage labor for fetal or maternal benefit

  • Prolapse of the umbilical cord when the cervix is fully dilated


  • Delivery requiring rotation

  • Cephalopelvic disproportion

  • Incomplete cervical dilation

  • Breech, Face, Brow or Transverse presentation

  • Intact membrane

  • Prematurity

  • Previous scalp sampling

  • Head not engaged

This is the Ameda/Egnell Cup formerly sold by Hollister, Inc., product no. 17420

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